Are You Ruining Your Kids' Social Lives?
How many times have you heard your kids say, "You're ruining my life!" It's pretty common. Sometimes it's just teenage drama but parents actually DO overstep sometimes, accordingly to famed child expert Dr Michele Borba. Here's her advice... it's a wake up call for parents!
10 Worst Things Parents Do to Ruin Kids’ Social Lives
Let’s face it, friends play an enormous part of our children’s self-esteem and success quotient for life. I’m often asked whether parents really can influence their children’s ability to make friends. My answer is always a resounding: “Yes!” After all, parents can be a tremendous impact on kids’ social lives, but they can hinder and even harm their children’s friendship chances as well.” Here are ten ways parents can rain on their kids’ social parade. (That’s a hint: so watch out, Mom and Dad! Just a few things to think about!)
1. Set a Terrible Example. Do you tell your kids to have good manners, but then verbally abuse your waiter? Do you tell your kids not to talk about people behind their back, and then pick up the phone to gossip? Don’t expect your kids to be a good friend unless you are.
2. Be a Pushy Stage Mom. Do you insist that your shy son have a huge birthday party even though he’d rather invite his one close friend? Have you tried to make play dates for your kid from names on the social page? Don’t think you can muscle your kid into friendships that only you care about.
3. Act Like a Micro-Managing Drill Sergeant. Do you orchestrate every minute of your child’s time with his friends? Do you hover at every play date constantly darting back and forth with some concern? Don’t hyper-parent or prevent your child from gaining his own friendship experiences.
4. Make Your Home as Sterile as an Operating Room. Do your child’s friends feel like they ought to wear white gloves when they come over? Do you insist they take off their shoes and never touch anything? Don’t be so up tight about being orderly that your kid and his friends can’t feel relaxed.
5.Act Like a Brontosaurus. Do you embarrass your kids in front of their friends, by not understanding their language or culture? Do you insist that your kid dress like he’s starring in Grease? Don’t refuse to change when it comes to customs that are really important to your kids and their friends.
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