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〔編譯魏國金/綜合報導〕柬埔寨一對結縭四十年的夫妻決定「各過各的」生活—他們真的付諸行動。 某日丈夫用一把鋸子、一把鐵鎚與幾把鑿子,在朋友的協助下,將位於距離首都金邊東方約九十公里的房子硬生生鋸成兩半。老婆的一半留在原地,丈夫移走他的部分,打算另起爐灶。 村長墨恩指出,這對夫妻不是因為什麼了不得的事才決定結束婚姻,而是因為做丈夫的指控近來生病時,老婆沒有善盡照顧之責。 墨恩說:「老婆表示,丈夫如果生病待家裡,她就必須賺錢負擔醫藥費,但如果丈夫住父母家,她就不必付費了,就這樣他們決定分手。」 這對怨偶認為,上法院判決財產歸屬所費不貲,所以決定自己動手「分居」,他們也將土地分成四份,另兩份留給他們的一子、一女。 |
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Cambodian couple saw house in half in divorce
Fri Oct 10, 2:23 PM ET
PHNOM PENH, Cambodia - A couple in rural Cambodia has terminated their 18-year marriage with a divorce settlement that entailed sawing in two the wooden house they once shared, villagers said Friday. The husband, 42-year-old Moeun Sarim, has taken away with him all the bits and pieces of his half a house, said his 35-year-old wife, Vat Navy.
"Very strange, but this is what my husband wanted," she said by phone from a village about 62 miles east of Cambodia's capital, Phnom Penh. She said they ended their marriage last month.
"He brought his relatives and used saws to cut the house in half," she said, adding that she now owns the other half that is still standing. The house is made from wood with a tile roof and propped up on wooden pillars, a typical style for a Cambodian country home.
She said her estranged husband and his relatives, after ripping apart half of the house, carried all the debris to his parents' house nearby.
She said the divorce was prompted by her husband's jealousy about her alleged relationship with a policeman in the village. She denied having an extramarital affair.
"He wanted a divorce, and I said, `Let's divorce,'" she said.
The husband could not be reached for comment.
Bou Bout, a village chief, said local officials and police were present as witnesses the day the couple split their 20-by-24 1/2 foot house into half.
"Local officials tried three times to get them to mend their differences, but the husband would not budge," Bou Bout said by phone.