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If I Don't Give Up

Today is the first day of the rest of my life. 
And if I want the rest of my life to be different, 
I have to change it. 

Nobody else will.
It won't be easy, 
because nothing in life comes easy
but by taking it one step at a time, 
I'll be able to do it.

Life is like a maze.
 I don't know which path to take, 
but if I stand still, 
I won't find the way. 

If I take a path, 
and it's the wrong one, 
I won't stand still, 
and I won't get discouraged. 
I'll back up and take another path. 

With God's help, 
I will remember every wrong turn and how I got there, 
so that I won't make the same mistake the second time.

I'll find the path that will take me where I want to go.

If I Don't Give Up. 

I must always remember that God brought me 
through the day before yesterday, 

He brought me through yesterday, 

and He will bring me through today also.

I have no choice but to live through each day, 
so it's up to me to make it a good day or a bad one.

No matter how many times in a day that I face defeat, 
it will not help the day to go any smoother if I have a negative attitude. 

In fact, it will only make me want to quit trying, 
and I will never find the right path if I quit.

If I face defeat or indecision one day, 
I may find the right path or answer that I'm looking for the next day, 
if I just have patience, and 

IF I Don't Give Up.

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