Why Proactive Dating Works
Here's what doing your own picking and emailing first will do for you
By Kathryn Lord Special to Yahoo! Personals Updated: Oct 6, 2007

Why proactive is better than waiting
- You'll get clearer about what you are looking for, and better able to recognize it when you find it.
- Once you get over the shock of making the first move, you'll feel so much better.
Action is empowering. Sitting and waiting is hard.
- Since you are doing the looking and picking, the chances are much better that you will find just what you want, rather than having to make do with whoever gets in touch with you.
- Women: Men LIKE it if you contact them first. I have never had one of my male clients not feel touched and appreciative when a woman emails them first. "The Rules" be darned. (I emailed my now-husband first. He liked it.)
- Men: Women like you to get in touch first, too, of course. But we know how hard that can be. No one likes to hear "no."
Internet dating has revolutionized how we think about rejection
How to make the first move
- Pick a list of favorites, at least 5 or 6, and contact them all at once.
- Do not let yourself get too focused on any one person before you hear back and get some sense of their interest and availability.
- Be prepared for a high non-response rate. No response is very common. If 30 percent of your contacts reply, you are doing very well.
- While you are waiting for the first group you contacted to respond, look around again and get five or six more prospects ready to go. Do not wait more than a week -- start sending out more first emails to your new list.
- Remember that "no" or "no response" is not about you. It can't be. These folks don't know you at all. A "no" is about their non-availability. Do not let your imagination run wild and make a "no" harder than it needs to be.
Got the message?
." A psychotherapist, Kathryn has been helping singles and couples for more than 25 years. She is on the web at .." A psychotherapist, Kathryn has been helping singles and couples for more than 25 years. She is on the web at .." A psychotherapist, Kathryn has been helping singles and couples for more than 25 years. She is on the web at .." A psychotherapist, Kathryn has been helping singles and couples for more than 25 years. She is on the web at .